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Neulich, im YVD mit Gaara ...

sim`s Game was Soft Reset!
sim has shuffled their deck
gaara ai drew a card
gaara ai placed a card from their hand face down.
gaara ai is done with their turn
sim loaded their deck (41 in Deck, 0 in fusion)
sim shuffled the deck
sim shuffled the deck
sim shuffled the deck
sim shuffled the deck
sim drew a card
sim drew a card
sim drew a card
sim drew a card
sim drew a card
du hattest 3050 -_-"
sinnloses Stck
mir egal
sim drew a card
sim placed a card from their hand face down.
sim has flipped Dark World Lightning over
gaara ai has flipped Scapegoat over
sim put Dark World Lightning into the graveyard
lutsch mir dei F~ae
deine mama hat auch scapes -.-
gaara ai has put down a {card='Sheep Token' set='Token'}
gaara ai put Scapegoat into the graveyard
sim placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.
sim placed a card from their hand face down.
sim is done with their turn
habe ihr n fast komplettes set geschenkt
gaara ai has put down a {card='Sheep Token' set='Token'}
gaara ai turned {card='Sheep Token' set='Token'} horizontal
gaara ai has added a counter to {card='Sheep Token' set='Token'}
gaara ai has added a counter to {card='Sheep Token' set='Token'}
gaara ai has added a counter to {card='Sheep Token' set='Token'}
gaara ai drew a card
gaara ai has put down a Breaker the Magical Warrior
fick dich selbst arschloch
sim has flipped Torrential Tribute over
sim put Torrential Tribute into the graveyard
sim put Spirit Reaper into the graveyard
in mein gesicht
gaara ai put Breaker the Magical Warrior into the graveyard
aber so
gaara ai removed {card='Sheep Token' set='Token'} from the game
gaara ai removed {card='Sheep Token' set='Token'} from the game
gaara ai placed a card from their hand face down.
gaara ai is done with their turn
sim drew a card
gaara ai returned a Face Down card to to their hand. (5 cards in their hand)
so eher
lol du schwanz
sim has put down a Breaker the Magical Warrior
sim has added a counter to Breaker the Magical Warrior
sim`s Breaker the Magical Warrior is attacking opponent`s LP
wenn Sperma drinne ist
gaara ai`s LP is now 6100(-1900)
sim placed a card from their hand face down.
komm, tomate
deine mama hat mein sperma im gesicht
sim is done with their turn
Tomate, komm jetzt in dein Gesicht
was f~r Sperma?
gaara ai drew a card
hxchstens Muschisaft
das was du net hast
gaara ai has put down a Graceful Charity
gaara ai drew a card
gaara ai drew a card
gaara ai drew a card
jo scheiss brunzer
gaara ai has put down a Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
was gehn ab mit dir
so, in dein GESICHT
lol du schwanz
gaara ai put Blast Held By a Tribute from their hand into the graveyard
gaara ai put Graceful Charity into the graveyard
gaara ai has put down a Creature Swap
gaara ai has put down a Sangan
wir sollten nie ggn einander auf turnierebene spielen
sim put Breaker the Magical Warrior into the graveyard
sim put Deck Devastation Virus into the graveyard
sim loses 1000 LP (7000 LP)
sim gains 100 LP (7100 LP)
mein breaker
sim loses 1000 LP (6100 LP)
sim loses 1000 LP (5100 LP)
sim loses 200 LP (4900 LP)
sim loses 100 LP (4800 LP)
du wirst schiessen du sack
ich kenn deinen zug schon lagen bevor du geboren wurdest
ja, deier mutter mit meinem Sperma ins Maul
gaara ai put Creature Swap into the graveyard
gib den breaker
aja sry
sim is looking at their graveyard
sim put Breaker the Magical Warrior from the Graveyard into play
sim has put down a Breaker the Magical Warrior
sim stopped looking at the Graveyard
sim gains 200 LP (5000 LP)
sim gains 100 LP (5100 LP)
sim gives control of Breaker the Magical Warrior to gaara ai
und jetzt renne ich in deinen Sangan
gaara ai put Sangan into the graveyard
ich geb ihn deine mama
hups, ist ja meiner
gaara ai is looking at their deck
fick dich selbst arschloch
gaara ai is still looking at their deck. This will repeat every 10 seconds, until they are done
gaara ai put Treeborn Frog in their hand from Deck
gaara ai stopped looking at the Deck
gaara ai shuffled their deck
deine Mutter kann besser blasem
deine schwester kann beser blasen
wie viel verlierst du eigentlich?
hab schon
kann ich nicht beurteilen
gaara ai placed a card from their hand face down.
gaara ai is done with their turn
kann sie dir schicken
ähm.. 2300+600
dann kannst du es ja mal testen
sim drew a card
sim placed a card from their hand face down and horizontal.
sim is done with their turn
gaara ai drew a card
vorbei mit dir
gaara ai gives control of Breaker the Magical Warrior to sim
gaara ai has put down a Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
sim put Apprentice Magician into the graveyard
sim put Breaker the Magical Warrior into the graveyard
attack und ring hinterher
gaara ai has flipped Ring of Destruction over
gaara ai is now at 8000 LP)
gaara ai`s Game was Soft Reset!
gaara ai has shuffled their deck
gaara ai loaded their deck (40 in Deck, 0 in fusion)

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