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Dienstag, 18. März 2008

Fuchslegenden in Vietnam, China und Japan

Kyubi Kitsune
Kyubi means nine tails and Kitsune means fox. So Kyubi Kitsune means nine tailed fox. In the series, that is the great youma that attacked the Village of the Leaf 13 years ago. In many Asian cultures though, the fox spirit is quite dominant in their legends and mythologies.

Fox spirits in Chinese legends
Chinese mythologies bear the origin of Foxes as demons and spirits, which plays a key role in many of the Chinese mythologies.

One of the most famous series of Chinese supernatural folklore is the 'Liao Zhai' Tales. Many of the stories in 'Liao Zhai' and other Chinese legends describe the fox, who after meditating hard in mountain caves for centuries, attain magical shape-shifting powers.

The Chinese fox spirits normally acquire the form of a young beautiful provocative woman. They are often conniving and evil, seducing men for their 'yang energy' to help them gain immortality. Because of these strong Chinese legends of the fox demons, females who have an affair with married men are often referred to as fox spirits or 'hu li jing'.

Although most legends condemn fox spirits as vicious demons, there are stories that put the fox in a more tender position, whose simple desire was basically to seek a companion to share the human experience of love and happiness, but faces the tragic condemnation and punishment after their identities are discovered.

Fox spirits in Japanese legends
Legends of the fox spirit reached Japan during China's Tang Dynasty. One of the Japanese mythologies talk about how the fox spirit flew to Japan from China. The fox, together with the badger, has shapeshifting powers and became a distinct icon in Japanese folklore. That probably inspired the climatic fight between Naruto and Gaara in the form of a fox and a badger respectively during the Sand's invasion of the Leaf.

British writer Neil Gaiman retold an ancient Japanese folklore "The Fox, the Monk, and the Mikado of All Night's Dreaming" in his one of his Sandman stories: "The Dreamhunters". The tale starts with a bet between a badger and fox shapeshifter. The fox shapesifts into a woman and falls in love with the monk, winning whatever worldly affection the monk was capable of giving. The story is an example of the fox and the badger's significance in Japanese culture and also an example of the link between fox spirits and the female figure.

Fox spirits in Vietnamese legends
The fox traveled to Vietnam from China too. One of the legends has it that Lac Long, the forefather who found Vietnam fought with a great nine-tailed fox demon. Lac Long won the battle and slew the fox, creating Hanoi's West Lake, mythologically referred to as the "Sea of the Body of the Fox".

* Source: Narutofever at Kyuubi Kitsune *

Montag, 17. März 2008


Card Game - Ino Shika Cho
Originated from a Japanese Card game but also known as Team 10 in Naruto. We 1st hear "formation Ino-Shika-Cho!" in the Forest of D*eath during the Chunnin exam and again when their parents fought against the Sand. Like we said, Ino-Shika-Cho actually originated from a card game called 'Hanafuda' in Japan.

Hanafuda Card Game
Countless card games were played since from the time of ancient Japan. Hanafuda is a very popular card game that evolutionized from the old games. 1st off, Ino, Shika and Cho each stand for a different animal (see name dictionary), namely boar, deer and butterfly respectively. In Hanafuda (or literally Flower Cards), you try to match the suits to earn points to win and form formations with the different cards to get more points and the player with the highest points win.

There are 48 cards in the Hanafuda deck. The cards are divided to have 12 suits each consisting of a formation of 4 different cards to represent the 12 months of the year. The cards are basically illustrated with pictures of flowers that bloom in the month that it represents and sometimes animals too. Each card also has a point value of either 1, 5, 10 or 20. Ino Shika Cho care 3 different cards and matching them together will give you 5 points.

Cho - Butterfly (from Chouji)
Chouji - Message of condolence / clove

Ino - Boar

Shika - Deer (from Shikamaru)

* Source: Narutfer - under - Hanafuda *

Sonntag, 16. März 2008

Naruto-Geschichten ;)


< Die Legende des tapferen Jiraiya >

< Schnecke, Schlange, Kröte >

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Freitag, 14. März 2008

Das legendäre Kusanagi Schwert

Legendary Kusanagi Sword
The Kusanagi sword is the sword that Orochimaru pulled out of the snake in his stomach. This sword plays an important part in the Japanese traditions and is legendary. Kusanagi means grasscutter, which would explain the pun of the sword finally killing Sandaime. According to the Japanese legend, the sword was found from the belly of Orochi by Susanowo (see Shinto Legends and Itachi), a eight headed monster snake.

Legend of the Kusanagi Sword

" The history of this sword extends into legend when the Japanese god, Susano-O-No-Mikoto encountered a grieving family headed by Ashi-Na-Zuchi. Upon inquiry, the elder told that his family was ravaged by the fearsome 8-headed serpent (Orochi) of Koshi who consumed seven of the family's eight daughters and the creature was coming for his final daughter, Kushi-Nada-Hime. Susano proceeded forward to investigate tne creature, and after an abortive encounter he returned with a plan to defeat it. In return, he asked for Kushi-Nada-Hime's hand in marriage which was agreed. Transforming her temporarily into a comb to have her company during the battle, he detailed his plan.

He instructed the preparation of 8 vats of rice-beer to be put on individual platforms positioned behind a fence with 8 gates. The monster took the bait and put each of its heads through each of the gates. With the necessary distraction provided, Susano attacked and slew the beast. He decapitated each of the heads and then proceeded to the tails. In the fourth tails, he discovered a great sword inside the body with Susan-o which he called Murakakumo-No-Tsurugi (Sword-of-the-village-of-the-clustering-clouds) which he presented to the god, Amaterasu to settle an old grievance.

Generations later in the reign of the 12th emperor, Keiko, the sword was given to the great warrior, Yamato-Dake as part of a pair of gifts given by his aunt, Yamato-Hime, to protect his nephew in peril.

These gifts came in handy when Yamato-Dake was lured onto an open grassland during a hunting expedition by a treacherous Daimyo. The lord, had fiery arrows fired to ignite the grass to trap Yamato-Dake in the field and have him burn to death and killed the warrior's horse to prevent his escape. Desperately, Yamato-Dake used Murakakumo-No-Tsurugi to cut back the grass to remove fuel from the fire, but in doing so, he discovered that the sword enabled him to control the wind around to make it move in the direction he swung. Taking advantage of the magic, Yamato-Dake used his other gift, fire strikers, to enlarge the fire in the direction of the lord and his men and used the winds controlled by the sword to sweep the blaze toward them to kill them. In triumph, Yamato-Dake renamed Murakakumo-No-Tsurugi as Kusanagi (Grasscutter) to commemorate his narrow escape and victory.

Eventually, Yamato-Dake married and fell in battle with a monster after ignoring his wife's advice to take Kusanagi with him.

Eventually, the sword came into the possession of the emperor until the Battle of Dannoura, a naval battle that ended in the defeat of the forces of the child Emperor, Antoku at the hands of Minomoto Yoshitsune. Upon hearing of the defeat, the emperor's grandmother led the Emporer and his entourage to commit suicide in the waters of the strait along with three important artifacts which included Kusanagi. Although the enemy managed to stop a handful of them and recovered two of the three items of the Emperor, Kusanagi was never found.

The 10th Emporer, Sujin, ordered the fashioning of a replica of Kusanagi and was placed at the Temple of Atsuta. "

* Source: Naruto-Fever under "The Legendary Kusanagi Sword *
* Quelle: Naruto-Fever unter "The Legendary Kusanagi Sword *

Donnerstag, 1. November 2007

Was zum Teufel ??



Kein weiterer Comment von mir nötig..

Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2007


Die Idee stammt nicht (alles) von mir, aber ich finde es mal eine interessante Variante.

Ein wenig zum Ablauf:
Beide Spieler eines Teams ziehen , legen Ninja ins Dorf, greifen an und verteidigen gleichzeitig;
die Dörfer der beiden Teammitglieder werden als "Ein Dorf" behandelt, d.h. nur ein zb Zabuza pro Team, dafür dürfen die Teams aus Ninjas beider Mitglieder bestehen;
beide Teammitglieder haben jedoch getrennte Niederlagenstapel und Chakraschmieden, d.h. jedes Teammitglied muss seine Jutsu-Kosten aus der eigenen Schmiede bezahlen;
es wird vom Gegner entschieden, welches Teammitglied angegriffen wird;
verloren hat man nach den üblichen Regel (10 Karten im Niederlagenstapel, kein Deck);

Wir können das morgen nach dem Turnier gerne ausprobieren.

mfg Yamigumo

Mittwoch, 5. September 2007

Mangekyou Sharingan - May the force be with you.. in America


Kosten: Feuer / (1)

Mangekyou Sharingan

Vorraussetzung: Itachi Uchiha

Ziel: Team das gegn den Anwender bekommt

Effekt: Jeder Ninja der gegen den Anwender kämmpft und kein Sharingan hat bekommt -2/-2

Da hab ich nur das darauf zu sagen:

May the Force be with you... in america !

Neji.. Arschkicker..


Runde 2


Normal: 3/0
Verletzt: 2/0

Wenn < Diese Karte > verletzt wird, dann kann < diese Karte > 1 Schaden an einen gegnersichen Ninja geben.

Hinata Jutsu


JU-291 Protection with 8 ... and 64 palms

(genauere Übersetzung bin ich zu faul bzw. kA)


Kosten: Erde / Erde

Anwenderin: Hinata Hyuuga
Vorrausetzung: Angreifend

In dieser Runde erhält die Anwederin +6/+6 und kann nicht das Ziel von gegnerischen Jutsukarten sein.

+6/+6 In ya Face !!!

Hinata For The Win!

Aber bis diese Karte rauskommt ist Auer verheiratet und hat 3 Kinder und ich stecke im Knast, weil ich zu viel abgezockt habe.

Gleiches gilt übrigens für den dritten Itachi, und eventuell auch für den zweiten Itachi, sofern er nicht laut meinen Infos in ein Starter rauskommt, was allerdings auch in etwa so lange dauern wird.

Itachi.. zum dritten!


Runde 6
HK 1


Status: 6/3
Injured: 2/3

Sharingan / Abtrünniger / Männlich

Erringt < diese Karte > in ein Kampf einen Sieg/ Sieg durch überrennen, dann wirf eine Münze. Ist das Ergebnis Kopf muss dein Mitspieler 2 Karten von seiner Hand in seinen Ablagestapel legen.

Münzen sind in den Staaten mehr oder minder Promo-Material.

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